
Tour of the Ashevillage Institute Demonstration Site Part 4

Our primary water catchment is a diversion drain placed at a 1% grade across the landscape. The diversion drain captures water flowing over the land and slowly moves it into our pond systems.
Storm water from the pipe in the previous post can be emptied into the diversion drain if additional water is needed. The vegetation and soil in the diversion drain act as a natural filter removing pollutants.
The shallow slop of the diversion drain also allows water to infiltrate into the ground recharging groundwater and moderating drought on downhill vegetation much like a swale would do. The diversion drain sits 6" below grade while the downhill berm rises 8" above grade. A settling pond (low/wet spot in the middle of the picture) acts as a filtration device slowing the water flow allowing soil with attached pollutants to settle out of suspension.
Logs fully colonized by edible fungi can be placed in the diversion drain for automatic soaking during rain events reducing human labor.

Tour of the Ashevillage Institute Demonstration Site Part 3

If we need the extra storm water for our system we can open the cleanout at the end of the pipe and let the water through. A slide valve would be more appropriate for this purpose but also more expensive.

Tour of the Ashevillage Institute Demonstration Site Part 2

Storm water runoff travels through our 4" pipe at a 2% grade.
The first flush of water that comes from a storm carries the most pollutants. The dirty water first flush is diverted into a 50 gallon barrel. The 50 gallon barrel has a 1/2" hole drilled in the bottom side to let the water slowly drain out between rain events.
For every 1mm of rainfall that's diverted through a first flush system 50% of the pollutants are removed.


Tour of the Ashevillage Institute Demonstration Site Part 1

Hey folks, it's been a while since our last blog. I'm going to start blogging all the fun new demonstrations we now have at the Ashevillage Institute site. I'll start at the top of the properties and work my way down to the bottom.
The picture above shows how we're capturing water off the street. Street water flows out the large white pipe (partially broken). Debris flows over the drain grate and water falls through and then travels into our system. I added some treated 2x12's on top to keep debris from falling onto our drain grate.